Fiction by Linda Nagata

Contact Me:

email: linda at mythicisland dot com

Stories of the Puzzle Lands

Box Set Edition
Two gritty fantasy novels and a bonus short story!

"Different in a very good way"
—reader review at Amazon

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Linda Nagata

... and welcome to my personal website. I'm Linda Nagata, a science fiction and fantasy writer from Hawaii, with twenty-one novels and numerous short stories.

My work has been nominated for the Hugo, Nebula, Locus, John W. Campbell Memorial, and Theodore Sturgeon Memorial awards. I've won the Nebula award, and am a two-time Locus award winner.

I'm best known for my high-tech science fiction, including the far-future adventure series, Inverted Frontier, and the near-future thriller, The Last Good Man. My newest thriller, Pacific Storm, is set here in Hawaii.

Please sign up for my newsletter (see the form below) for news on deals and upcoming publications. I'm ever grateful for your support!

contact: linda at mythicisland dot com
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Reader Reviews

If you've enjoyed Edges, The Last Good Man, The Red, or any book by any author — do consider leaving a customer review at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, Goodreads, or anywhere you hang out online. Those reviews really do contribute to the success of a book, and successful books keep authors in business. Some readers write intricate reviews, but others just leave a quick comment and that's fine. That's all it takes. THANK YOU!

Updated February 15, 2025

My Newest Novel


Inverted Frontier, Book 4

The starship Dragon, accompanied by its fleet of outriders, is faring ever deeper into that region known as the Hallowed Vasties. Here, at the shattered heart of ancient human civilization, once-living worlds were ripped apart by the dimensional intrusions of a Blade. Yet despite the apocalyptic-scale destruction, the fleet's telescopes have picked out signs of life among the ruins and the ship's company is eager to go on—but should they?

From his post on Dragon's high bridge, Urban looks ahead to the smaller starship, Griffin, now far, far in front of the fleet. The mind that pilots that ship—a stern and colder version of his lover, Clemantine—has gone silent. The implication chills him. Like Dragon, Griffin was an alien warship, designed to destroy without mercy all living worlds, and it still has a mind of its own. The question that haunts Urban: Has that alien mind somehow reclaimed control of Griffin?

It's a question he must answer, and soon. Every wonder that lies ahead—and every ambition hidden within his heart—is at risk while Griffin's true nature remains unknown.

Available in print and ebook editions.

Or ask your local bookstore or library to order a copy!


New to the Inverted Frontier series?
Find book 1 here.

Praise for Blade:

"Linda Nagata describes the far future as though she lives there and is just back to report her findings. Inverted Frontier is top notch science fiction, and Blade carries on its vivid tradition!" —Wil McCarthy, author of Rich Man's Sky and Hacking Matter

"...I can’t recommend Blade and the whole series highly enough. This story in particular builds to a feverishly paced climax that makes Blade a high point of the series. Nagata has created a unique and powerful form of space adventure." —John Folk-Williams, SciFi Mind

Blade focuses "tightly on the constraints of sublight space travel, encounters with nonhuman intelligences, and questions of near and distant galactic history. Even the most magical-seeming elements — the reshaping of bodies and minds, the calling forth of the silver, the creation of the blade, the possibility of the intrusion of powers from outside our universe — feel material and intelligible rather than numinous. In these nearly magical tales, sense of wonder is brought a bit closer down to earth..." —Russell Letson, Locus


A far-future space-faring adventure series set in a nanotech-saturated story world.


Inverted Frontier, Book 1

From the Edge of Apocalypse:

Deception Well is a world on the edge, home to an isolated remnant surviving at the farthest reach of human expansion. All across the frontier, other worlds have succumbed to the relentless attacks of robotic alien warships, while hundreds of light years away, the core of human civilization—those star systems closest to Earth, known as the Hallowed Vasties—have all fallen to ruins. Powerful telescopes can see only dust and debris where once there were orbital mega-structures so huge they eclipsed the light of their parent stars.

No one knows for sure what caused the Hallowed Vasties to fail, but a hardened adventurer named Urban intends to find out. He has the resources to do it. He commands a captive alien starship fully capable of facing the dangers that lie beyond Deception Well.

With a ship's company of explorers and scientists, Urban is embarking on a voyage of re-discovery. They will be the first in centuries to confront the hazards of an inverted frontier as they venture back along the path of human migration. Their goal: to unravel the mystery of the Hallowed Vasties and to discover what monstrous life might have grown up among the ruins.

Edges is a new entry point into the classic story world of Linda Nagata's The Nanotech Succession.

Cover art by Sarah Anne Langton. Copyright ©2019 by Sarah Anne Langton.

Available in print, ebook, and audiobook editions:

Or ask your local bookstore or library to order a copy!


Praise for Edges:

"In the Nanotech Succession, Linda Nagata crafted one of the great sagas of galactic-scale science fiction. Yet for every revelation and discovery we found another mystery—none so great as what destroyed the supposedly omnipotent, star-spanning civilization of the Hallowed Vasties. At last, in Edges, Nagata teases at an answer, while simultaneously upping the stakes. Edges is a taut story that asks how far you might push yourself, and how much of your own humanity you might have to sacrifice to save those you love. Edges bursts with ideas and proves once again that Nagata is one of SF's great worldbuilders."

Karl Schroeder, New York Times Notable author of Ventus, and of Stealing Worlds.

"In the imaginary coffee-house of my mind, Nagata's Succession novels are hanging out with thematic and subgeneric cousins by Neal Asher, Iain M. Banks, Greg Bear, Greg Benford, Greg Egan, Kathleen Ann Goonan, and Robert Reed, discussing the post-human condition, how many nanotechnologies can fit on the head of a pin, the nature and place of sentience in the universe, and whether there is a Long Game in which humankind can play and survive. There's a portrait of Olaf Stapledon hanging over the mantelpiece, along with a long-barreled raygun. Both are icons of the tradition."

Russell Letson, Locus

Edges is "a masterful effort, operating both at a slow burn and with a ratcheting intensity that comes to a stunning climax. Linda Nagata has once again given us a future that dances along a razor's edge—entertaining, thrilling, humbling . . . and hopeful, despite the threat, despite the danger, despite the sacrifice."

Sharon Browning, LitStack


Inverted Frontier, Book 2

A Lost Ship — A New World

Urban is no longer master of the fearsome starship Dragon. Driven out by the hostile, godlike entity, Lezuri, he has taken refuge aboard the most distant vessel in his outrider fleet.

Though Lezuri remains formidable, he is a broken god, commanding only a fragment of the knowledge that once was his. He is desperate to return home to the ring-shaped artificial world he created at the height of his power, where he can recover the memory of forgotten technologies.

Urban is desperate to stop him. He races to reach the ring-shaped world first, only to find himself stranded in a remote desert, imperiled by a strange flood of glowing silver that rises in the night like fog—a lethal fog that randomly rewrites the austere, Earthlike landscape. He has only a little time to decipher the mystery of the silver and to master its secrets. Lezuri is coming—and Urban must level up before he can hope to vanquish the broken god.

Cover art by Sarah Anne Langton. Copyright ©2019 by Sarah Anne Langton.

Available in print, ebook, and audiobook editions:

Or ask your local bookstore or library to order a copy!


Praise for Silver:

"This is indeed superlative storytelling, multi-faceted and complex, yet accessible, exciting and engaging. If you love science fiction, or are willing to experience something unique and wonderful, you simply must read this series." —Sharon Browning, LitStack

"The governing rules, powers, and limitations of the settings and the characters [in Silver], are as engaging as the story lines. [...] Silver is a kind of narrative solvent that dissolves the superficial differences between genres and recasts them into a substance that satisfies the dreaming and analytical sides of the reading mind. It also opens an already vast story space to even greater expansion, while providing a satisfying conclusion to its particular chapters of the tale." —Russell Letson, Locus

"I do certainly hope this series continues. Nagata has all the pieces in place to do epic sci-fi, and she continues to deploy them expertly: the vastness of her universe, the technological bells and whistles that continue to delight, the meta-human nature of her characters that make them transcendent and yet endearing—it's a spectacular toolbox, and with it Nagata continues to construct wonders."

Steve Case, Black Gate

"Nagata embeds her searching exploration of human nature in an exciting adventure that is well plotted and tightly paced, especially as it works toward its conclusion. The intense struggles of her characters to hold onto who they are makes the story a deeply human one." —John Folk-Williams,


Inverted Frontier, Book 3

"Tanjiri is not for you. You are not ready to encounter what exists there."

So Lezuri spoke in warning, long ago. Urban still possesses the strange gift—the impossible puzzle—Lezuri gave him that day. A needle, ultra-thin and twelve centimeters long, with a silvery surface that slices light into rainbow glints. All Lezuris knowledge lies locked within that needle. Urban has only to discover the trick of opening it, to gain that knowledge for himself—but the needle remains an enigma.

Now Dragon and its fleet of outriders has reached the periphery of Tanjiri system. The belt of ruins lies ahead: a chaos of remnant megastructures from a fallen civilization. Farther in, an Earthlike world orbits in the company of a miraculous living moon created less than 4,000 years ago. An entity—one greater even than Lezuri—must have made that moon. And yet the system is silent. No one, nothing, has answered Dragons hails.

Perhaps the entity is gone? But Urban doesnt believe that. He is sure that when the fleet enters Tanjiri system, he will meet this maker of worlds—with the lives of everyone he loves at stake. Better, safer, to encounter this entity from a position of strength, armed with all the knowledge and power contained within the needle.

So he believes.

Available in print, ebook, and audiobook editions.

Or ask your local bookstore or library to order a copy!


Praise for Needle:

"[Needle is] another exciting and absorbing chapter in this deeply involving saga...I hope there will be many more to come. The Inverted Frontier series has a unique power to combine the adventure of galactic-scale exploration and adventure with the intensity of the inner battles of mind to master levels of reality no humans have encountered before." SciFi Mind


A companion novel to the Inverted Frontier series:

On an artificial world with a forgotten past, floods of silver rise in the night like fog, rewriting the landscape and consuming those caught in its cold mists. Seventeen-year-old Jubilee knows that no one ever returns from the silverbut then a forbidding stranger appears, asking after her beloved brother, Jolly, who was lost long ago to a silver flood.

Could Jolly still be alive? And why does the silver rise ever higher, threatening to drown the world? Jubilee is driven to find out.

Leaving the safety of home, she sets off into an eerie wilderness sculpted by capricious tides of silver. In her quest for truth, she will unlock the memory of her own past, and of a history that reaches back farther than she could ever have imagined.

A finalist for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award.

Cover art by Sarah Anne Langton. Copyright ©2021 by Sarah Anne Langton.

Available in print and ebook editions:


Praise for Memory:

"[A] kick ass big idea, hard SF novel...Yes, I'm raving. But I seriously love this book." —Tobias Buckell

"The feel of visionary fantasy mixes with hard SF in this powerful novel of a young woman's quest for a missing brother in a far future world beset by out-of-control technology." —Locus Magazine

"...Nagata's book conjures up a richly realized world in which a truly eerie landscape serves as the vibrant background of a tale of self-discovery and courage in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds." —Sally Estes, Booklist


"If you like your military science fiction grounded in the real and in the probable, this is your book." —Michelle West, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction

Scarred by war. In pursuit of truth.


A near-future thriller

Publishers Weekly starred review
On the Locus Recommended Reading List

Army veteran True Brighton left the service when the development of robotic helicopters made her training as a pilot obsolete. Now she works at Requisite Operations, a private military company established by friend and former Special Ops soldier Lincoln Han. ReqOp has embraced the new technologies. Robotics, big data, and artificial intelligence are all tools used to augment the skills of veteran warfighters-for-hire. But the tragedy of war is still measured in human casualties, and when True makes a chance discovery during a rescue mission, old wounds are ripped open. She's left questioning what she knows of the past, and resolves to pursue the truth, whatever the cost.

Praise for The Last Good Man:

"A new novel by Linda Nagata is always an event. The Last Good Man pulls us into next month's headlines with a conviction and energy that makes for an extraordinary tale."

—Hugo and Nebula award-winner Greg Bear, author of War Dogs and Darwin's Radio.

"...a thrilling novel that lays bare the imminent future of warfare." —Publishers Weekly starred review

"Nagata is rapidly assuming her place among the greats of military science fiction."

—Jerry D. Lenaburg, New York Journal of Books

"The Last Good Man is a fantastic, lightning-fast thriller that hits all the right notes: an engaging story set in an all-too-plausible future, advanced technology, plenty of action, and fantastic, well-rounded characters." —Andrew Liptak, The Verge

Hawaii-based Climate Fiction

A high-tech, near-future thriller.


On the Locus Recommended Reading List

Politics, terrorism, and heavy weather collide over Honolulu in a vividly imagined near-future thriller.

Ava Arnett is a Honolulu cop, captain of the night shift in the autonomous Waikīkī District. Nine years ago a massive hurricane hit the island. Ava remains haunted by the mistakes she made and the lives she failed to save during that disaster. Since then, she relies on HADAFA, an AI designed to observe, analyze, and predict human behavior. HADAFA monitors her actions, and its assessments guide her decisions.

Now, another Category 5 hurricane is approaching Honolulu...

In the hectic hours before landfall, Ava stumbles into a terrorist conspiracy—and HADAFA begins to glitch. She can no longer rely on the AI. She must decide on her own whether or not to trust a mysterious federal agent named Lyric Jones—knowing the wrong choice could lead to greater devastation...and a war no one will win.

Available in print and ebook editions:

Or ask your local bookstore or library to order a copy!


Praise for Pacific Storm:

A few sample reader reviews at Amazon:
      "Awesome near-future thriller!"
      "An intense political thriller"
      "Hit the mark again"
      "Absolutely wonderful!!"
visit Amazon for more reader reviews

"Pacific Storm has that feel-it-in-yours-bones tension that pushes you toward its resolution with the literary equivalent of hurricane-force winds. It’s compelling and not to be missed." SciFi Mind

" Pacific Storm, [Nagata] explores an increasingly relevant near-future-nightmare territory, one that sits comfortably (or uncomfortably) next to recent work by Christopher Brown (Rule of Capture, Failed State), Greg Egan (Perihelion Summer), Nancy Kress (Sea Change), and even the political-satirical side of Charles Stross (Dead Lies Dreaming) [...] a propulsive intrigue-thriller-disaster format, detailed and textured and specific enough that its progress can be mapped onto contemporary Honolulu, a real garden with imaginary monsters in it." Russell Letson, Locus


An alternate world fantasy trilogy.


book 1: The Snow Chanter
book 2: The Long War
book 3: Days of Storm

The Wild existed in beautiful and ruthless perfection—until the people came.

Generations past, disaster drove the people to seek a new home on a wild continent that had never before known a human presence. Spirits of wind, stream, forest, and mist inhabit this land, but these beings care nothing for the people, and some are cruel and hostile.

Siddél is a power among these spirits. He is thunder and lightning, he is the storm—and he despises all people. He has resolved to drive them from the land and for this purpose he created the arowl—mad, ravening beasts with an unquenchable hunger. Arowl are abominations. They hunt all creatures, while craving human flesh above all else.

Bennek is a young warrior, skilled at hunting arowl and eager to slay any that dare venture into the Protected Lands. But he longs for greater deeds. One morning, in the cold blue hour before sunrise, an owl spirit visits, urging Bennek, along with his brother and cousin, to take on a perilous quest. The three youths must find the Snow Chanter—an ancestral spirit that they had thought long gone from the world. History teaches that the Snow Chanter was an enemy of Siddél. If she still exists, might her power help to bring him down?

Bennek is determined to find out. With his kin, he sets off to seek for her. But other forces are stirring. As the trio ventures north into a dangerous land overrun by arowl, they chance to meet a strange young womana sorceress, with ambitions even greater than their own.

"The Wild sweeps the reader into a vividly realized world, spanning generations and cultures."

—Deborah Ross

Available in ebook and print editions


High-tech, near-future military thrillers. One Nebula nominated, two Campbell finalists.

NOTE: As of February 15, 2025, the ebook editions of the Red trilogy are temporarily unavailable in North America and some other markets. The Saga Press editions have recently gone out of print, and it will take a few days for me to convince vendors that I now have the right to publish my Mythic Island Press editions in all markets. For readers in the UK and Australia, the Mythic Island Press editions continue to be available to you, as always.

If you're interested in the print edition, there may still be copies of the Saga Press books available online, and the Audible audio editions are definitely still available.

Email me at linda at mythicisland dot com if you'd like me to let you know when the ebooks are available again—and thank you for your patience!

—Linda Nagata

The Red: First Light - Book 1

Nominated for the Nebula Award (Novel)
Finalist for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award
On the Locus Recommended Reading List
Publishers Weekly starred review
Publishers Weekly Best Books 2015

"There Needs To Be A War Going On Somewhere"

Lieutenant James Shelley commands a high-tech squad of soldiers in a rural district within the African Sahel. They hunt insurgents each night on a harrowing patrol, guided by three simple goals: protect civilians, kill the enemy, and stay alive—because in a for-profit war manufactured by the defense industry there can be no cause worth dying for. To keep his soldiers safe, Shelley uses every high-tech asset available to him—but his best weapon is a flawless sense of imminent if God is with him, whispering warnings in his ear.

United Kingdom Edition (ebook only):

☆ Amazon UK     ☆ Amazon AU

Also at Kobo and Apple
id: 9781937197193

" of the best pieces of near future Mil-SF ever written. What's so good about it? The action rocks and the characters are engaging as hell. But this isn't just adventure fiction, it's Mil-SF and very well done, straight out of DARPA's dreambook, not somebody's fantasy."    —Ernest Lilley, SFRevu

"The Red delivers intense action, leavened by a genuinely sympathetic portrait of soldiers caught up in battles they never chose. Best of all are Nagata's well-informed representations of future military tech. This is hard science fiction at its finest, full of devices like bionic limbs, exosuits, autonomous drones, and brain implants that are being developed in labs today. But you've never seen them like this, at play in a realistic field of battle, controlled by people you actually care about."   —Annalee Newitz,

"The Red: First Light is one fantastic speculative fiction novel, from a plotting, characterization, military sci-fi, and thematic standpoint."   —Thea James, Kirkus

Read a Sample Chapter

The Trials - Book 2 of the Red Trilogy

"No Way Out But Forward"

Lieutenant James Shelley and his squad of US Army soldiers were on a quest for justice when they carried out the unauthorized mission known as First Light. They returned home to America to face a court-martial, determined to expose the corruption in the chain of command that compelled their actions. But in a country still reeling from the nuclear terrorism of Coma Day, the courtroom is just one battlefield of many.

A new cycle of violence ignites when rumors of the elusive, rogue AI known as the Red go publicand Shelley is, once again, pulled into the fray. Challenged by his enemies, driven by ideals, Shelley feels compelled to act. But are the harrowing choices he makes really his own, or are they made for him, by the Red? And with millions of lives at stake in a game of nuclear cat-and-mouse, does the answer even matter?

United Kingdom Edition (ebook only):

☆ Amazon UK     ☆ Amazon AU

Also at Kobo and Apple
id: 9781937197186

"I really love these books most of all for what they are: some of the most action-packed and intelligent military science fiction to be released in years[...] I can confidently say that, if you loved The Red, chances are that you'll love The Trials too." —Stefan Raets,

"Where other books might have been overshadowed by a book as good as The Red: First Light, The Trials manages to shine." —Anthony Vicino, SF Signal

"The Trials aptly continues the terse and involving story begun in The Red: First Light [...] Like the best middle installments of trilogies, The Trials moves us deeper into the psyches and lives of the characters we have met, while still broadening the threat to the world and setting up a huge payoff."

—Sharon Browning, Litstack

"...wonderfully executed [...] A high-stakes thriller, propulsive action sequences, awesome military tech, and a world inhabited by richly developed characters and nasty political scheming, The Trials has it all. Nagata takes all of these elements and unflinchingly takes them on their natural progression to craft an immensely satisfying and action-filled story." —Michael Hicks, AudioBook Reviewer

Read a Sample Chapter

Going Dark - Book 3 of the Red Trilogy

Finalist for the Campbell Memorial Award
On the Locus Recommended Reading List

"No real allies, no fixed enemies, no certain battlefields"

Presumed dead by those closest to him and with no intention of setting the record straight, former army Lt. James Shelley is recruited by a black-ops outfit devoted to two things: guarding the Earth from existential threats, and the Red.

Operating for almost two years among soldiers who are enhanced, and controlled, just as he is, Shelley believes he's learned a proper caution in working with the mysterious artificial intelligence—until the Red's increasingly erratic behavior ignites an accidental war, and launches Shelley on a collision course with his old life.

In the final book of The Red Trilogy, Shelley must choose who—or what—to trust, while struggling to contain an escalating conflict that threatens to plunge the world into chaos, and destroy those he loves.

United Kingdom Edition (ebook only):

☆ Amazon UK     ☆ Amazon AU

Also at Kobo and Apple
id: 9781937197209

"The final volume of Nagata's The Red trilogy completes an impressive military SF series [...] As much a consideration of the emergence of an artificial intelligence as an action-packed political thriller, The Red trilogy is unparalleled among modern milSF." —B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog

"A riveting technothriller [...] I highly recommend Going Dark and the Red trilogy to anybody looking for some amazing near future military SF." —Anthony Vicino, SF Signal

"The final volume in Nagata's much-praised Red trilogy features the same high-octane action as its predecessors [...] One of the highlights of the series continues to be the author's portrayal of the intense camaraderie of men and women at war. Readers who loved The Red and The Trials will find this a fitting conclusion." Publishers Weekly

Read a Sample Chapter


"Linda Nagata presents a unique world-view. Every one of her books that I have read has been alien and disturbing. I love and identify with the characters, but the situations they inhabit stretch the mind. This is as true of Linda Nagata's fantasy as her science fiction. Her work is really, really different. And that's a good thing."

—from long-time reader Larry Clough

Short Story Collections

Attitude and Other Stories by Linda Nagata

Selected for the Class of 2026 Air Force Academy One Book, One USAFA

Note for readers: Several stories in this collection are also in Linda Nagata's short fiction collection Light and Shadow.

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Light and Shadow: Eight Short Stories by Linda Nagata

Visit high-tech future battlefields, surreal other worlds, an orbital habitat, and a distant moon. Embrace action, and harrowing adventure. Half of these stories have appeared in various best-of-the-year anthologies, and each is introduced with brief notes from the author.

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Goddesses & Other Stories by Linda Nagata

Ten science fiction stories, including my Nebula Award winning novella "Goddesses." This collection brings together for the first time my short fiction, originally published in Analog Science Fiction & Fact, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, More Amazing Stories, and

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The Nanotechnology Novels . . . now, The Nanotech Succession

The nanotechnology novels were originally published from 1995 through 1998 by Bantam Spectra. In November 2010 they were re-published as ebooks by Mythic Island Press LLC under the collective title The Nanotech Succession. Each novel works as a stand-alone story, but since they share the same story world and sometimes the same characters, they can also be read as a loose series. Tech-Heaven is a near-future prequel. The Bohr Maker is Book 1, followed by Book 2, Deception Well, and culminating in Book 3, Vast.

Tech-Heaven - A Prequel to the Nanotech Succession

A political thriller that imagines the rise of nanotechnology in our world through the eyes of Katie Kishida, a mother and business woman whose life takes an extraordinary turn when she is widowed, and her husband's body is cryonically frozen against a time when advancing technology will allow his resurrection.

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The Bohr Maker - Book 1 of the Nanotech Succession

Society has expanded into the great orbital habitats known as the "Celestial Cities" and nanotechnology saturates every aspect of life--but the rules regulating its use are still being written. A brilliantly original, fast-paced thriller, The Bohr Maker won the Locus Award for Best First Novel.

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Deception Well - Book 2 of the Nanotech Succession

Advancing technology has allowed human civilization to expand across star systems, establishing settlements divided from one another by vast gulfs of space and time. But all along the frontier, human settlements are under attack by the ancient and deadly robotic warships of a mysterious alien race known as the Chenzeme.

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Vast - Book 3 of the Nanotech Succession

Four people are aboard the great ship, Null Boundary. They are bound for the lightless clouds of dust and gas in the galaxy's Orion Arm, determined to find the source of the alien Chenzeme warships that have ravaged human civilization. Vast is an extraordinary adventure embracing the limitless nature of both space and time.

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Science fiction writer Alastair Reynolds had some very nice things to say about Vast. Find his blog post here.

The Nanotech Succession Omnibus Edition

All four novels of the Nanotech Succession in one ebook. Includes Tech-Heaven, The Bohr Maker, Deception Well, and Vast.

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More Science Fiction:

Limit of Vision

A near-future thriller set in the steamy Mekong Delta. Ethics and evolution collide in a tale of runaway biotechnology.

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Skye Object 3270a

A far-future, high-adventure young-adult novel aimed at an advanced middle school audience. The story is set in the Deception Well story world, but is otherwise independent of that book and its characters. If you want to infect a new generation with the science-fiction meme, start here!

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The Fantasy Novels:

Book 1: The Snow Chanter
Book 2: The Long War
Book 3: Days of Storm

The Wild Trilogy

Three young warriors risk death to find the fabled Snow Chanter—a nature spirit who might aid them in their quest to restore balance to the world. As they venture north into a wild and forbidden land, they chance to meet a strange young woman—a sorceress, with ambitions even greater than their own.

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Stories of the Puzzle Lands - Duology Box Set

Two gritty fantasy novels and a bonus short story! The Demon Dismay appears as a charming, well-armed young murderer. His purpose: to mete out the stern justice of a vindictive goddess. He is pleased to do it, until he finds other things to live for. A woman, a child, a quiet home deep in the forest. But the quiet life is not Smoke's fate.

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  • Amazon
  • The Dread Hammer: Stories of the Puzzle Lands - Book 1

    A tale of love, war, murder, marriage, and fate:

    He lurks beside the forest road, a charming, well-armed young murderer, not altogether human. She draws near, a contrary shepherdess fleeing an unwanted marriage. When he overhears her prayer for help, whispered to the Dread Hammer, he decides to grant it--and love takes him by surprise. But love proves a greater challenge than murder.

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    Hepen The Watcher: Stories of the Puzzle Lands - Book 2

    A tale of exile, rebellion, fidelity, and fire:

    The demon Dismay's murderous nature has earned him the ire of his beloved wife, who has sent him away in a fit of temper. He ventures into a foreign land, drawn by the prayers of abused and desperate women who beg him to grant them vengeance against the men who cruelly rule their lives—and Dismay is pleased to do it.

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